Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I think our dog would have destroyed the TV within minutes ;) Such a cute puppy!

My wee brain has deducted... I am a fleshy filter.

So my brain works in odd ways. It does the best it can with what it has to work with, you should be impressed :) But I don't understand the message about wasting water. My son brings home these little eco-friendly tree hugging brochures about not wasting water.. turn off water when you're brushing your teeth.. and all this. But at the same time, he did this big poster about 'The Water Cycle'. So my brain has been filtering all this new information.. and sent out an ERROR message. Based on this water cycle, water basically recycles itself.. no? If they wanted to send home brochures to quit polluting the water.. OK.. I can grasp that. But when I'm brushing my teeth and running gallons of fresh water down the sink hole thingy.. it is not wasted? To me wasted means.. you just can't do squat with it again. Like when I wipe with toilet paper? That paper is wasted.. know what I mean? Holy cow! But, when I flush that toilet all that water goes to a very smelly place.. and then is recycled back into somewhat tolerant water and dumped back into the Missouri river. It prances and swirls along in the river, only to be sucked up again later by another water processing station down the way.. where it will go through it all again. So on and so forth.. nothing wasted? So I thought, if I put a bucket of water on the back deck.. OK, maybe that is wasted cuz it's not doing anything and can't be used. But it's not true, because what happens to that water? Again, I reference the handy Water Cycle graphic.. it evaporates into the clouds. Clouds become full. Storms dump on your head.. and it all starts over again. And if I water my plants and grass? Still not wasted. For starters, we need healthy plants and vegetation to survive.. they like clean the air or oxygenate it or something. Don't have that handy graphic. But when they process water, they do that 'transpiration' thing (not noted on this graphic, sorry), where they release it like evaporation back into the clouds.. and again we're back to rain. So no matter where the water ends up, does it not all end up recycled in the end anyway? It's like a huge circle. Clouds... ground... my body... plumbing... rivers.. evaporation... clouds.... right? So am I not, in actuality, recycling water? If the water just sat in a pond would it not become stagnant and rancid without some sort filtration. I am a human filter.. and I just can't feel guilty about it anymore. And that is what my tiny brain has produced today. I am certainly a danger to the environment. Now go drink some water. And while doing so .. think to yourself... did Lorraine drink this first?!?! Yeah baby!!!
(I clicked enter here to create a new paragraph, but the program isn't working with me. Harumph)
Speaking of recycling. To all you mental midgets out there that put out that stupid blue recycling tub every Monday with the trash? You are seriously starting to piss me off. Do you understand that when you just lazily put things on the top and don't weigh them down, they are going to blow all over the neighborhood by morning? Monday's are bad enough, but to watch your pizza boxes, cans and various wrappers blowing around the neighborhood SERIOUSLY pisses me off. It is such a fucked up theory... Oh yes.. let's recycle. Who gives a flying shit if you're LITTERING UP MY BEAUTIFUL NEIGHBORHOOD in the process! Idiots. Why don't you cut down a tree and lay it on top so that your trash isn't in my yard tomorrow. I'd be SUPER grateful!

Christmas came early :)

MrNV plays the piano. We have an upright, his father gave it to us some years ago when we lived in our apartment. He doesn't play as often as he should, but the other tenants always commented that they enjoyed hearing him. His father is a pianist, and he can play anything. Since he's in the biz, he knew a guy that knew a guy.. and he called us Wednesday night. He wanted to show MrNV a piano that he wanted to buy for us. These things usually turn out to be something he has to refurbish.. which is fine but it takes him forever. So MrNV crawled out of bed at 8am and went with his pa.. and returned with this amazing beast! It has a sad story, but will have an amazing future! A sweet little old 80 year old lady had purchased it for her husband, he was very sick. The doctor told her that it would help him during rehab to hear music. If you're gonna do something.. do it big I guess. She purchased this monster player grand piano for him in 98. Sadly he passed away recently and she is downsizing. This piano made her sad and she only wanted $500 for it to just go away. After seeing it, my jaw had to be removed from the floor. My husband is so happy, and it sounds so amazing! You put in a little disk of music, she included them, and the little keys go to town. And we didn't take advantage of the little lady, I promise. I guess she was very wealthy, and didn't want more for it at all. Maybe she was happy knowing it would have a new future.

I think I might take a photo of Monkey sitting at the piano and send it to her with a thank you note. Maybe it will make her smile.

Anyway. We'll have to reorganize our living room, but we'll make it all work out. Who knows, I might even learn to play now :)

Dream log for Sirdar :)

OK, I hafta make a quick note so I don't forget, and will fill it all in tomorrow :)

broken sad toys that went into machine
King Midas
round concrete thingy that went into the ground
evil kid

Poety Monkey

Monkey gave me his journal today and wanted me to read his poem thingy about dancing :)

break dancing
curly hair
fancy cars
fancy glasses
fancy pants
fancy shirts
tapping shoes
tap... tap... tap

It made me laugh, so I had to share it :)

Now Hiring... Bun Buffer

So I asked MrNV if he wanted a new job.. and showed him graphic representation of what would be required. He started glowing like the sun. Well, brighter really. Like that commercial with the glimmery teeth? So then I was thinking that 'Bun Buffer' for Gisele Bundchen might also be the perfect job for the Rockdog and possibly even Sirdar.. if he can get a written permission slip from MrsSirdar :) So I thought I'd give you all an equal opportunity to apply...

Click HERE to apply for this job :)

My learnin' for today

I have always spelled the word visible.. with an a. Visable. It just sounds right, as far as how I pronounce it. I guess it makes sense, it goes with vision I suppose. I'm certain I've also spelled it visability. I don't say vis-IH-bility... I say vis-UH-bility... right? Anyway. I've always thought I had a grasp on spelling, it was always my favorite subject. Lucky me I wasn't in a Spelling Bee.. that would have been embarrassing!

A huge lie

Anyone that knows me, knows that this award is so incredibly wrong :) I must really keep it clean for my blog. Sheesh.

The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?
Created by OnePlusYou


I am officially a photo takin' soccer mom. You can see more here, if you're insane :)

Maybe he should not be a doctor when he grows up..

Monkey perked up with this in the car the other night, took MrNV and I a moment to translate :)

Monkey: "I really don't want my testicles removed."
Me and MrNV: basic look of, 'uh?'
Me: "What? What are you talking about?"
Monkey: "I don't want my testicles removed."
Me: "Yah, got that. Why would you even say that?" (.. thinking maybe he's referring to the fact we just had the dog Bandit fixed)
Monkey: doesn't answer, as he's trying to figure out WHERE the confusion is
Me: "It's not something you would ever have done. You really shouldn't go around saying things like that."
Monkey: realizes maybe it was all lost in translation.. and tries to explain. "You know, when you have surgery and you get a lot of ice cream after?"
MrNV and I: Ohhhhhhhhh
Me: "Um, those are called tonsils. Totally different."

Come ON!

I walked through the office to hear on the TV people are upset because at some grade school kids were encouraged to 'cross dress' for wacky week. They're not saying, "Hey, try looking like the opposite gender.. you might find you like it more and you'll totally reject heterosexuality!"... they're just being silly. People have done that for as long as I can remember, and surely before that even. Guys were always dressing up as girls for Halloween when I went to school.. mainly in High School.. but I don't remember much of grade school :) And I remember going to a musical, can't think of the name of it right now, where Navy guys were dressed as women for a skit they were doing. I'm quite certain that musical was around before I was. Why does everything have to be so serious anymore? I'm about 2 news reports away from moving to ... somewhere they still have a sense of humor.

Musical is 'South Pacific'. There was a part where they dressed as women, right? At any rate. People need to LIGHTEN UP! Man!

True Love :)

I just love Cartman. I do. Lastnight I watched an episode I've not seen before, 'Tsst!'. Holy cow, I laughed until I cried. Cartman's mother tries to get him under control by calling Nanny 911, then Supernanny.. and when all else fails... The Dog Whisperer! Holy cow! I recorded it, and will covet it until I die :) He teaches Cartman's mother to use the fingers on the neck and 'Tsst!' sound to DOMINATE little Cartman :) Bwaaaaaaaaaaahahah! Now I shall try this on Monkey Boy :)

Confessions of a bad daughter


So I have been working towards my dad moving in, he wants to be here by May 1st. Today he had some auction company come by and pick up all his art and antiques and such. Yesterday he called upset because everyone we have asked to help him has blown him off.. as usual. So I took the little kiddo-s by lastnight and they worked hard moving things around. While in his spare room, I noticed that he still had my Aunt's hand painted china in the closet. This would be the china I ranted about last year that he told me he had sold. It was the last set she worked on, and she had it finished by art students when she became too ill to finish it. He did give me a dinner plate set with vegetables on it, which I greatly appreciated. I got it last month. But this was the original set I had asked for, and he decided to fuck with me. So lastnight MissA was in the room with me, and my dad was elsewhere. She helped me snag the tea pot, creamer and sugar jar. Bwahahahah! I remembered the tea pot, which was the part I really wanted. It had her initials on the bottom, the rest were done by the students. So today when I went over there to help pack up the rest of the things, he said he was not selling it... because.. mumble mumble.. wants it. He said 'what's her name'.. which would be one of my bitch sisters. So I am THRILLED that I took the 3 pieces lastnight. Neither of my sisters ever liked my Aunt, and I would feel ill knowing they had it. Bwahahah! I know. So petty. They can have the rest of the set because all they care about is how it 'looks' not that it has any sentimental value. I'll post a photo later, but I needed to get my sin off my chest :)

I'll say 3 hail Mary's and be on my way :)

Moment of Zen :)

So my dad moved in today. It went well, he hired movers and helpers and such so he didn't have to lift things.. and that was great. So he's in his room now .. which is next to my office .. and I can hear him over there sorting through his things. Monkey wandered in there with his homework and is laying on the floor while my dad does his thing.. and it's just sorta calming now. I know MrNV is not super thrilled about my dad moving in, but I think it's going to work out. And I just have a calm knowing that he needed to be in a happy place.. and that we are able to be it. And I like knowing that if something happens, we're here to help him. He's getting old and simple tasks can sometimes be a challenge. So, it's a good day. I certainly hope it doesn't turn out to be a mistake.

Nope, not dead..

the update... just busy

Dad moved in, and it's going great. I now have a really great personal chef, although MrNV is wigging out with all the sauces. But it's good, and I'm glad we did it. For now :)
Currently we're on vacation, so it's great that my dad can take care of the house and dogs while we're gone. Saved me a big tab at the kennel since we're going on 2 weeks. It's sort of a work-cation. Lots of fun, and a tour of the pools of Vegas with Monkey. We have sadly discovered that nobody seems to have a pool over 4 feet, and not a diving board for miles. But the Golden Nugget in downtown Vegas has won, they have a water slide/tube which goes through a shark tank. Very cool. They won for fun factor. The Palazzo won for damn fine looking pools.. wow that place is beautiful. And they had at least 6 pools. Two large ones, and a bunch of smaller surrounding pools. Beautifully landscaped and on the 3rd (or 4th?) floor so it was private from walking traffic. The Rio is alright. They have a topless pool that I believe you pay $30 for entry, but from our room I think I saw only 1 topless girl. I'm assuming they hire wenches to jazz the place up, but it wasn't particularly jazzy the few days we were there. So it made me chuckle on days where it seemed there were lots of guys... and no women. For a great value pool, The Tuscany won hands down. We arrived early so I booked a room there online. to be specific. I got it for $39 a night, and it's incredibly close to the main strip.. in the MGM area. It's really clean, not one of those hourly rate places :) And it has a kitchenette, which is nice considering prices to eat around here have really gone up. The funny thing is that while MrNV was checking in, I kept noticing larger women entering and exiting the hotel. Groups of them, all dressed up and ready to party. Being a well fed individual myself, I grew curious as I don't often see so many portly girls in one area all at once. Turns out it was some sort of BBW convention. At first I thought this was neat-o, until I discovered it was more of a BBW meeting admirers sorta debauchery. This was fine, until we went to the pool. I don't mind people being proud of their bodies, but show some discretion.. holy cow! A bikini and thong is not ... just not. But the pool wasn't bad at all.

Oh, and we ate at The Social House. Monkey begged to eat at a restaurant that overlooked the pirate battle at Treasure Island. Little did we know that it was.. sushi. Egads. But I had this really good appetizer that was raw yellow fin or something? It was really good, and seared tuna. But for dinner we had fried fish :) We can only do so much raw food. And we at at a nice little place along the water in The Venetian.

Well, off to cause chaos. I'll post photos later and get back to blogging. Because I'm a craptastical blogger.

And Softballslut! Congratulations on your wedding! I haven't pulled the photos up yet, but thank you for forwarding them. I'll do it now! xoxox

I see blogger has not fixed its issues with loading pictures. Arses. I'll have to add them at the end, if I can.

Halloween was*GREAT. Kids had a lot of fun, and the yard looked great. Considering it was on a Friday night and the weather was amazing, we didn't have as many trick-or-treaters as I had hoped. But we had at least 100.

Monkey is doing great, and growing like a weed. A smelly weed with an attitude, but growing. I'm homeschooling him this year. Yup, it's true. We basically decided the Sunday night before school started. We went to 'meet the teacher' night and dropped off all his supplies. Sat through the speech.. and went home feeling nervous. Monkey is an animal at home, but incredibly shy at school. If he doesn't understand something he's afraid to ask and so lessons move along.. as they would anyway.. and I would basically spend the evenings re-teaching him what he learned at school that day. We talked to him about it, and he loved the idea. But after the meet the teacher night, we felt it was the best idea anyway. She explained there would be no grades but only 'P' for progressing. Monkey loves grades, he enjoyed trying to improve on anything which came home with a low grade on it. I just thought that was odd. And they were going to continue the boxes/lines/bars math thingy.. which I still don't understand. So he's already multiplying double digits by double digits... and I love the vocabulary books out there! He really enjoys trying to use his new words, and now that I know what he's learning I can incorporate it in things we do or quiz him on it when we're driving around. It's fun for all of us. He has more time now in the evenings for other classes. We put him in piano, and MrNV works with him daily on that. I'm excited. Once he has a solid hold on all the basics, perhaps we'll integrate him back in for High School. But I have a lot of amazing help from a friend that home schools. And Missouri is one of the easiest states for home schooling, as far as laws go. I have to chuckle, though. In going to the library there are many types of homeschoolers.. which is fine. But there are people that believe in just living life as a type of education. No structure at all. It makes me giggle, but maybe that works. I do love the idea that we can work the day around Monkey's mood. Once in a while if he's tired and sitting is not working out, we'll run errands and just do school later. If we're getting frustrated with new math things, we move on to English and do math later. Being able to customize is really paying off. But because he really does love it, it's really not an issue. He understands if he doesn't take learning seriously he'll be a train hopping bum when he grows up, and he's not too excited about that :) So... I'm a homeschooling mom now. Egads.

Dad is doing great. Still living with us. He hurt his left arm a while back so he hasn't been cooking as much. I'm about to shut his cable off if he doesn't get on the ball! :) I'm going to shut it off anyway if he doesn't get out and vote today, it's already 3:46pm. Slacker.

We voted today. Monkey filled in the circles for me. Being the big smelly REPUBLICAN that I am, I have to be sure to brainwash him at an early age. We may not win this election, but I can't complain about it if I don't vote. We were having Sunday dinners for a while and my father-in-law's democrat girlfriend would come. She's a great lady. And I respect everyone's right to decide what party works best for them. I think the checks and balances keep us honest. But man, she was definitely one tough cookie! My mom, dad, step-dad, husband and others tried very hard to bring her to the dark side.. never worked. So I will be happy for her if Obama wins today. And if nothing else, it will keep the news interesting. I was sort of suffering from a lack of candidate enthusiasm anyway. I just hate taxes. We're self employed and I write a check to the IRS literally every month. It's painful. And it's going to get more painful. I don't like pain. But, good luck to the winner.. and I hope you do a good job. I will admit, I'm ready for Bush to shuffle along now.
Oh, and someone in our neighborhood.. a few blocks away... owns a serval. It's like a big kitty :) It was wandering around the hood one Saturday afternoon getting the neighbors riled. I'll post the photos, it was crazy. Turns out it is de-clawed and tame. But it was hissing at everyone, so who knows. But when people stalk me I tend to hiss too. I don't think it's legal to have one in the city limits, but nobody has been eaten yet so I'll let it slide :)
Go McCain! (sigh)
Hello Brashen! :)

Post #2 Du Jour :)

I couldn't get the Serval pics to work in the earlier post without botching the entire post. So, here they are. And I didn't realize I never posted photos from our vacation. They are HERE if anyone is bored :)


I was going to ramble about political things I don't understand, but am burned out :) So, Monkey has friends over tonight. They just left to go and ding-dong-ditch some girl 2 houses down.. she was mean or something. They left a croissanwich at her door (nerds). So I caught a photo before they left. Burger King needed a t-shirt in black, and that's the only one I could find. Bwahahahah! And, the death of the pumpkins after Halloween :) A friend up the street took them for her compost.. so they are still living a good life. Well, a rotting good life.

Leftover Halloween Thingies

The first photo was of the hooligans trading candy on the kitchen floor. Yes, I hate my kitchen floor. But it will do :)

The other is of Monkey going to his friend's house to compost our pumpkins. They hurled them from their balcony so they would moosh into the compost easier. I guess :) The bat is a bit scary.

Monkey has Puppy Love

Alex has decided this is the best thing since Swiss cheese. It is a LIVE puppy web cam!


Gas went down to $1.49 per gallon here. Wheeeeee :) Well, not that I drive a lot. If I go down the street it's actually $1.44 :)

I just don't understand

I'm so tired of getting up every morning to find out the government is tossing billions more at some new company. It's sickening. This just can't go on. I'm no genius, but this is just not a good business plan at all for our economy.

Mr. Badass :)

Alex performed in his first piano recital today. He thought he was too cool to take the music book up with him.. and actually had memorized the song. But.. stage fright set in and he boogered it :) But he still rocks and did great work.

This was yesterday... it went down again today

Mr.NV showing off our current gas prices. Although this is at Sam's Club which is 5 cents cheaper than anyplace else. And why is there no cents sign on the keyboard? I've always wondered that. I would like one. And I would like it NOW.

Homeschool Snow Day :)

A friend of mine called me a bit ago to inform me that today was a snow day.. and that if I'm schoolin' my boy then it's ABUSE! :) I took this photo with my phone and sent it back to her and told her this is what a homeschool snow day looks like :)

I'm a meeeannnn one... I'm a Grinchhhhh....
At the time we were practicing the whole they're, their and there debacle. I like to spring that one on him randomly because he mixes them up. And a lot of people do! It's a huge annoyance to me when I'm subjected to these people online :) My son might be socially inept, but he will know when it's time for they're, their or there! Hooligans!
And please excuse the hideous wallpaper. I loathe it, but one room at a time :) And I bought a new front door mat yesterday, so the little non-slide thingy for under it is on the buffet, along with some bananas I bought yesterday. I'm a mess.


I'm related to idiots. My sister and her wanker husband send out one of those stupid letters every year with their Christmas card. I mainly only blame her husband for being the dick, because every year it's all about him or his family. Not sure why they bother sending copies to my sister's side of the family at all, because I just hop up and down every year. The whole first half of the letter is about how his dog died earlier this year. OK, fine, I would be sad too. However, her cat died and she was devastated. Oh, and nevermind that my grandmother died at the amazing age of 92. My sister was close to her. Ugh. Just wanted to document again today that my sister is lame and her husband is a dick.

First day back to school after the holidays....

LOL :) Homeschool rules :) Doesn't everyone sleep with a gun?? He's passed out on the floor in front of my desk right now. We both slept badly lastnight, both having nightmares. So he's incredibly tired today.

Subwoofer Cat


Mad TV.. sigh

I think I heard they are going to cancel Mad TV. Why do they take away everything I love? I'm so lucky that Switzerland is standing firm on producing that chocolate.. otherwise all will to live would be lost. ...sniffle...

This is one of my favorite skits, I cry every time I see it :) Praaaaise Jesus! :)

Phelps ... tee-hee

I went to Sam's Club today, and as you walk in they barrage you with the temptation of huge flat-screen TV's. And there were boxes with images of Phelps swimming. His head was coming out of the water, and his mouth was open wide. And I was wishing that I had planned in advance.. and that I would have brought a bunch of printed bongs so that I could tape them below his face on all the boxes. Bwahahaha! Is that bad?!

I am sick.

Why do I find the movie 'House Bunny' so amusing? lol!!! I need therapy.

Mind boggler du jour

I don't understand this. At all.

Perhaps someone can s'plain that to me?

New and 'improved' my arse

Why do jerkweed shampoo companies have to improooooooove everything? I have used Colorific Kiwi shampoo and conditioner for years. YEARS! It doesn't weigh down my hair, and leaves it soft. I lhove it. But the last bottle of shampoo I picked up had the annoying word 'NEW' on it. I really didn't think that much of it, people switch things around or add 'new' for excitement. But now, 2 weeks later, my hair is so dry! And I'm pissed because now I have to find a new shampoo/conditioner combo that I like. Why do they do it? It's just so frustrating.

Nope. Bitching about it here hasn't made me feel any better :)

The kid is a freak.

I took this photo today. It made me laugh. I guess this is why I'm homeschooling him, because he's just not right in the head :) But I don't think I'm helping him, so I can't complain :)

Dream Log

I had the strangest dream lastnight, and I was so angry and freaked out through the whole thing. I had a dream that I woke up and as I was coming downstairs I glanced at the overlook into the living room.. and it was all decorated for Christmas. I walked over to the balcony area and as I could view the rest of the living room, everything was back just as it was at Christmas. There was a tree all decorated with lights and orn`ments. There were even poinsettias everywhere... beautiful big red ones. But I was so annoyed, as it was NOT Christmas. When I came downstairs I found my dad in the kitchen asleep in a chair laying on the table. He woke up and told me it was Christmas. I explained that it was Spring, and asked why he would take the time to dig up all of the Christmas things. He was acting crazy, and I can't remember now what all he said.. but he was determined it was Christmas. And he wanted everything up because it made him happy. (Which, in real life is a lie.. he hates Christmas :)). For some reason I went into his room and took his guns, he was playing with them. I think I was worried that he had gone insane... and nobody wants an insane man playing with guns :) But in my dream I was really mad and yelling at him about how long it took us to put all that stuff away and now we would have to do it again. But I do remember thinking, "Oh, it's only a dream."... and then I would immediately think... "No! It's not! Your father has really gone insane.. you're awake!" At one point I even woke up again in the dream.. to find Christmas stuff everywhere. That was the most frustrating, because I didn't know what I was going to do with dad.

So. Luckily I am now awake and there are no Christmas ornaments.. and dad hates Christmas just as much as he did when I went to bed :) Whew!!

Bla bla bla and bla

And yes, we had a lot of fun in Vegas. We enjoyed the drive through Colorado and Utah as usual.. it's just so beautiful. We took my dad's little Scion. I thought it would be horrid, but that little monster kicks arse on the highway. We would be doing 80mph and not even realize it.. so I have no complaints. Other than the fact that it's the size of my right shoe. However, we got excellent gas mileage! The tank is small and only took about $12 to $18 to fill .. depending on where we were. Versus my van which takes about $30 to $40 to fill. So that was odd.. having the tank fill so quickly :)
Strange odd boy did get to have his birthday dinner on the top of Stratosphere, which is his favorite place. As long as I don't pass out in the elevator ride up (or down) I'm fine. It was just the 3 of us going up, with the operator. I got the usual, "Are you alright?" question :) Going down the thing was FULL, so there were so many factors horrifying me at that moment.. we were at the bottom before my mind really had time to focus on one :) Whew!
We stayed at the MGM for a few nights, that was a first for me. Rio is still my favorite, and we stayed there for a few nights. And Hilton, but they're so far off the strip that you feel a bit like you have left Vegas.. which is just peachy fine with me. I thought I uploaded photos to Flickr, but I guess not yet. I'll have to update.
Now we're just back to homeschooling and we've been painting the inside of the house. Finally that hideous wallpaper in my dining room and kitchen is GONE! I'm thrilled. The kitchen isn't finished yet, but will be soon. When we moved in there was a hideous grapes wallpaper in there, and we've never fixed it. Or that crap in the dining room. I felt stuck in the 80's :)
I hope everyone out there in bloggerland is doing great! I will read what's going on. I've been on Facebook for a while, but have grown tired of it. I am sick of all the updates where everyone is taking 1001 tests on what kind of drink you are, what movie star are you... bla bla bla .... And on top of that, the people I couldn't stand in high school are sending me friend requests. Right. You were a complete bitch at school... so I REALLY care what you're doing now. Nope. I don't. I know, I'm old and cranky. But seriously, there was this girl named Pam. She made gradeschool a living hell.. other than this guy named Jason. And I evdn saw her at my dad's restaurant once, and she was still a bitch to me. So why would she ask to be my friend now? When I accept a friend, it means I don't mind if you read my personal shit. I don't want her reading my personal shit! So. I've declined a few people, and the rest are nuts. Well, the ones from school :) There was one lady I was happy to find, but she takes about 300 tests every day and I can't read what anyone else is doing. So. Anyway. Facebook stinks. And Twitter I don't even understand, and don't want to.
I miss my blog :) I can be happy or sad, angry or thrilled. Someone can read it.. or not. It doesn't matter, because it's just a chance for me to GET IT OUT! It's my journal :) And I like it. And no mean little girl from gradeschool can bully me :)

Monkey du jour

Today we were coming home from piano lessons. We like to stop at Dollar Tree, it's nearby.. and I love any store where everything is a dollah! After we left and were cruisin' down the highway;

"The person that owns the Dollar Tree, they are a dollar-aire."

Is that a millionaire during a recession?? :)

That's all you got?

Friday: Hubby leaves town for work.

Saturday Night: Brother shows up drunk in front of my house. Passed out in his car.

Sunday Night: Cops show up, flashing lights and all, at 10:30pm to investigate why there is a drunk guy passed out in front of my house. I'm advised he either comes in or will be taken away.. and his car towed. Which in the end costs the family $$... so drunk brother is now asleep on my basement floor.

Monday: The guy doing my office ceiling is sick, so my office will remain plastic covered chaos yet another day. Dad makes me unwrap his legs, his doctor told him he had to wait until Tuesday. They are better.. but .. well... really gross.

Tuesday: My house is still disorganized chaos everywhere because all the office crap has consumed it. My pansies and all my beautiful Spring flowers are laying on the ground.. thank you Jack Frost. I'm quite certain my lilac bush won't be blooming yet again this year. Again, thanks Jack Frost. However, I'm still in a good mood? So... bring it!
Update: You know, my office looks like something out of the show 'Dexter'. If anyone has seen that on HBO. It's like a little serial killer room. Perhaps I should invite my brother up....

You're trying... but you'll not win evil demons! :)

OK. So my mom and dad got into a fight lastnight, because my dad insinuated that her real father was an alcoholic.. and so it's HERRRR fault that my brother is an alcoholic. Nice. So while I was working yesterday I heard, "FUCK YOU!" and the door slammed. And the funny thing is that she's a proper English lady.. and never cusses. The guy helping me actually started laughing... because she sounded so funny. So today I get an email that she's not coming to Easter. ....sigh.... Kids. I tell you. So now it's MY job to placate my mother and make her all happy again so that she will not ruin Easter.

And my ceiling still looks like shit.

But I'm still in a good mood. Although twice a year I get a migraine, and today is the day. If I don't make any sudden movements... I still feel somewhat alright. I'm serious, I'm not giving in. I'm in a good mood, and I MEAN IT!

Ha! Still not working!

Alex's PS3 has been misbehaving lately, and yesterday wouldn't play his games at all. We took it to Best Buy and it was not working for them either. Soooo... I whipped out my trusty extended warranty (expires in December) and got a whole new system. Actually an upgrade, it's 80gig verses the 40gig we had. Bwahaha! I did pay for a new extended warranty.. but that's OK. I didn't pay $400 for a new system.

Bring it!! I'm STILL in a good mood!

Happy Belated Easter

It rained here, boo! Had a bunch of friends over for dinner, and were forced to do an indoor Easter egg hunt. Bah. And I love the 2 chocolate bunnies, because they only have one eye! Cyclops bunny! Wheeee! They were grand prizes for the weenies. Oh, and yes, the oil painting is of my father. It's a famous painting, he had himself painted into it. I love it, it's hilarious. We call it his shrine. Tee-Hee

Misc Crap

This is a mural MrNV made.. 'Flaming June'. And some pastries my father brought home from Andre's.. yummy! I eated the bunny. And my office is finally finished. While it was under construction-chaos I decided to take the pc apart and clean it. I almost went with the green color in the photo for my office, but ended up with a honey-butter kind of color. I love it. But I love that pillow and I was trying to match the colors. It's OK, I still love the pillow. I should have taken a before/after photo.. but it was just such insanity before. And now I'm waiting for the perfect chair to go in front of my desk. I'm just never happy :)


If I hear one more story about Obama's dog.. I'ma hurl. And I'm serious. For starters.. he's not a pound puppy.. which I thought he promised to adopt? Secondly.. I just don't care. Does that make me a bad person? I just don't care about what kind of pet is in the White House. He could have rats, dogs, peacocks or lice... I Do Not Care!

Reason 4,998 that I'm a bad parent.

Soooo. Yesterday I went to get my hair did. When I go in I take Alex so he can get a hair cut. When she did my highlights and such, she had mixed too much blond. So while she was doing Monkey's hair she added a couple tiny bits of blond. Bwahaha! You really can't tell, she did it just to torment him. I don't go platinum, so it's a natural color. He thought it was funny. She said there is a boy at the salon, he has been getting highlights since he was 7. Yeesh. Anyway. I'm a bad mom :) And I am absolutely raising a metro male ;) lol

I really did hurl!

I wouldn't bother posting this, but it says I have 666 posts. I need to do something quickly! But lastnight when I went to bed.. I really did hurl! And I never hurl! And I know it's because of Obama's dog. I don't think I have thrown up since MrNV and I ate some bad Mexican food.. and that was before Monkey was born. Amazing. I ate a left-over chicken enchilada my mother made. I just need to stop eating Mexican food. ..sigh..


My brother is still staying with us. He randomly looks for jobs, and has been doing odd jobs for my sister. He stayed with her Sunday night.. she can only let him sleep over when her husband isn't around so he doesn't know. Pussy. Of course it's OK for us to take on the burden, and for me to have to deal with MrNV NOT being too happy about it. That's OK to her. So today he's 'tired' because he helped her plant flowers yesterday. It's 2:00, and so I yelled down to see what he was up to. "Watching TV". He's in our work room, it's actually a downstairs living room. Carpeted, even has a fireplace. But we vamped it into a work area with our giant printer and tables. It's nice enough. But you know what? That cable box will be shut off by Friday if fucktard doesn't start looking for 1- a new place to live and 2- a fucking job.

So then there is Todd's brother's widow. She has been laid off. Nice enough, I like her. But we're giving her boyfriend work so that they have money. Money that, at this point, they are working off. "Oh, we're gonna be there tomorrow at 8am".. this I hear all the time. And it's OK, it motivates me to get up early so that I'm ready. But.. here it is 2:00.. no show.

So. Whatever. I'm so fucking tired of moochers I can't stand it. Everyone wants money, but nobody wants to ever do the right thing to earn it. Give me give me give me. Just because I'm not broke and am able to be an at home mom, does NOT mean that I don't still work. MrNV and I do what needs to be done every day. We are still running a tile business, and MrNV has that other 'stuff' he does :) He's on the phone constantly setting up 'things' :) We don't call people asking for favors. Never have I ever asked a friend for money. My dad helped us out a few times when we started our business, I always paid him back. Even MrNV's dad helped now and then, and we paid him back.

I'm just mad. Not making much sense, but I'm just pissed. And I feel like a busy body bitch if I go down and see if he's drinking. But if I don't, then he will and then I'll be pissed for not checking. And it's all just so fucked up. And where else is he supposed to go? I can't just kick him out with a mission to ... go there. Cuz there is no there to go to. He shows up drunk at my house, and everyone just expects me to take him in. And if I don't then .. then what? Nothing really. The last time the cops kept him overnight, he ended up back at my house in a cab. He conned my neighbors out of cab fare, and that is just embarrassing. He showed up and I didn't answer the door. He vanished for a bit, and then the cab left. Turns out he told my neighbors the he AND I were locked out and that he needed $ for the cab and that we would pay him back. I mean.... what do I do? Seriously? He has no job, so where is he going to go? And if he goes to some shelter, he'll just get kicked out and show back up here again. All because my husband's brother died a few years ago and was a drug addict. So he feels guilty that he didn't do enough for him, and half-heartedly feels my stupid brother is his redemption or something. Yet he still gets mad at me because my brother is a drunk and we bicker about it.

Then top it off with my dad. Luckily he likes my dad 80% of the time, and he is staying in his room right now. He's just as depressed that his son is a fuck up.


And then there is my son. What kind of fun is it having the drunk uncle around? That you can't get rid of.


Dear Journal :)

Had to kick out my brother Saturday night. Turns out he was sneaking in liquor in his Propel bottle. He was stumbling around the kitchen drunk, so out he went to sleep in his car. He left Sunday after sleeping it off. I'm sure he'll show up here again. He was asleep in the grocery store parking lot in our neighborhood lastnight. Yes, my dad paid for rehab 3 times and he also went to a state sponsored rehab. No, there is nothing we can do. He's 50.. when is he going to take responsibility for his own life? Ugh. My neighbors. I can only imagine the crap they're thinking.

Another friend called for money over the weekend. I picked her up and we sat at Sonic and I listened over a burger. Odd how people are broke, yet are putting up new garage doors and just had all of the rooms in their house painted. She only asked for $100, so that's all I gave her. She was crying and frantic on the phone, I have no idea what's going on. Her husband is laid off from Ford, but don't they still make 80% of their income or something? And I went by her house after, she wanted me to see the painted rooms. Her husband was as charming as usual, didn't even look away from his computer to say hello. Blah. Sometimes I wonder how some couples stay married.

On a positive note, Monkey did just fine at his recital Sunday. He was frustrated that the song was easy, so we're going to ask for something more challenging for the next recital. Poor kid :) So his name is now Maestro :)

Piano Recital

Can't get Youtube to link the silly video, so here is Le Monkey banging on the piano.

Flippin' door nightmares

So the Mister is having work done on the house. Started with replacing siding and painting. We want to make the house a warmer color, other than the grey tone it is now. I made the mistake of reminding him that we wanted to replace the front door.. when he mentioned doing all the wood out there. Agg. So we have an amazing stained glass window above the front door. It's made of huge chunks of glass, it has to be no less than 6" thick. For some reason the previous owners put a huge piece of glass over it, and nobody notices it now because of the glare. So I have been whining to have the glass cover removed since we moved in. It's all going to be done at the same time. We're adding a more gutsy frame around it. So now it's the door. I don't know what I was thinking when I suggested we replace it. Mister thinks I have skill in photoshop and I've morphed at least 30 doors onto the house. He hates mine, I hate his.. and the ones we agree on.. we hate when we wake up the next day.

So this is a photo of the house today. And you can see how beautiful the window is from the inside, and I really wish all the colors were seen from the outside! And yes, we're having the bricks fixed on the wall so no bitching about that.

We really wanted something very antique and unique looking. We checked out a really amazing store downtown, but for just the single doors they wanted $700-$1000. And they needed work! Then someone sent us to a re-store kind of recycling place. Wow, amazing deals.. but no perfect door.

These are some of the options I eked out. Excuse the missing spiral in this photo, it was taken last Fall after it had died. In some I tried to fake a paint job, or add some trim. Whatever. Any votes out there in blogger land? If you hate them all... ZIP IT!

Big jerk.

The lady up the street, who 'didn't have an affair' with her roofer... now has the roofer living with her. And he's a real turd. For example, it's pouring down rain right now. He is standing in front of the house with a big broom and is brushing all the sweet gum balls that are drifting down the current along his driveway. Nevermind that they are now collecting in huge mounds in front of his neighbors house.. and they are an elderly couple. He's such a dick. And nevermind that you can be fined for sweeping them into the drain. I get it, they're a pain in the ass.. but don't push the problem along to your neighbor. That's just rude. I can't say MrNV has never swept any into our drain, but the drain is at the edge of our driveway. He would never sweep them in front of the neighbors house.
And WHAT is it with the guy across the street? He mowed his lawn yesterday, and dumped all the clippings into mounds around his trees. C'mon. I don't mind tree-huggery things, but that seriously looks like shit. Why not just start throwing your trash out there too? I wish everyone was as perfect a neighbor as I am :) Bwaaaaaahaha! I'm going to pay the kids this weekend to bag up sweetgums and we're gonna dump them all in slutty-roofer's driveway! Yeahhhh!

Polo ponies.

Holy cow. I hear now that all of those polo ponies that died were not killed intentionally. The pharmacy mixed their supplements incorrectly, and so all of the horses died of internal bleeding. That is so horrid. It's no wonder that my father checks all of his pills every time they are refilled. Too bad he has no idea about what I'm putting in his food... mwaahahahah!

Getting screwed by Shutterfly

At the end of 2008 I bought a prepaid 10cents per photo card on Shutterfly. I have about 250 prepaid prints, there are 2 specials I purchased. Whatever, they hang onto the credit for a couple years. So I thought it would be cool to print all of the Senior photos I took for my friend's daughter as a gift. However, wallet sizes (there were only about 20 of those) were like 18 cents per page (4 per page) so they wanted to charge me for those. But the prints were 'free'.. since I already had a credit. And including shipping.. then wanted $89! That's basically me paying for only wallet photos and shipping.. regular shipping. WTF?! So I want to Sam's Club online, uploaded all the stuffs... and ordered a total of 333 photos. Cuz I can, so shut up. Included even more wallets... and only paid $47.30. That INCLUDES priority mail shipping, they wouldn't send the large order to the store I had to order them for delivery. But is that insane? Because that total includes all the photos, no credits. How the hell does that even work?! I can't even imagine what the total would have been had there been no credit with Shutterfly, there were about 230 prints I wasn't even being charged for. I got to splurge at Sams', and STILL saved money!

I tell you what. I love Sam's Club more and more every day. I don't care what people say... they save me money and I'm shallow like that :)


I bought the coolest tea cup flower pot at Wally World this week. I bought one for my mother for Mother's Day.. then had to get myself one also. Because I'm a spoiled child. And a photo of the salmon MrNV missed out on lastnight. Ha Haaaaaaaaa! My son's odd friend. They found the Hannah Montana shirt.. yeesh.